Christmas & New Year's Mass Time Preferences

Using the form below, you will be required to make a preference as to which Mass you would like attend. [After the first choice you can choose "No preference". This is so you are not placed in the attendee pool for another mass.] It is recommended to make a second preference. Preferences should be submitted by Monday December 21st at 12:00pm. Confirmation for your mass preference will be sent on Tuesday December 22nd by 4:00pm.

It is important to remember that these guidelines are temporary responses to the current crisis. Those who attend Mass do so at their own risk. Vulnerable, at-risk and otherwise concerned persons should remain home. Anyone with the slightest symptoms or feelings of sickness must remain home.

The obligation to attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation will continue to be dispensed.

The Archdiocese requires us to use the CDC Guidelines for Exposure
You cannot attend public Mass if in the last 14 days, you have answered "yes" to any of these questions:
     1. Traveled internationally?
     2. Been exposed to a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 without correct PPE?
     3. Had a temperature at least 100.0°F?
     4. Had new or increased shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
     5. Had a new cough?
     6. Had at least two of the following symptoms together:
Chills, Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat, New loss of taste or smell, vomiting, diarrhea

   -  Please sign up for a Mass preference in order for St. Aloysius to follow the attendance guidelines set out by the Archdiocese. If you come to Mass without being registered, you will be asked the above questions and if you say "NO" to all the questions, and if there is room, you will be admitted and we will record your name and contact information. If you answer "YES" to any of the questions, you will not be admitted. Thank you for your cooperation on this!
    - “Universal face covering is required” Please bring your own. We will have a limited number of disposable masks available.
Family Section: If more than one member of a family wishes to attend at the same time, please fill in the amount of people in the family and their names. If it is just one person, put "self" in the box.

Mass Time Sign-up Christmas & New Year's

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

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