Liturgical Ministries

Our Liturgical Ministries offer you an opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another. Whether you participate in planning and preparing behind the scenes or through a public role of service within the Mass, your contribution will help our liturgies be truly life-giving celebrations. 

Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries, you can do so here.

Eucharistic Minister

The Eucharist Ministers are called to assist with distributing Holy Communion along with Father at the Saturday evening, Sunday Masses and Holy Days..  There is training for this ministry.  There are also opportunities to carry Holy Communion to those unable to attend Mass because of infirmity, illness, or injury through the Home-bound Eucharistic Ministry. 


The ministry of the sacristan is a crucial one in the life of a parish, and its importance cannot be overstated. By preparing and overseeing the things of the liturgy. Our sacristans are entrusted with the ministry of preparing for the Mass celebrations and making sure all is in order when the Celebration is finished.

The variety of duties include setting the altar, preparing the bread and wine, readying the chalices and other items necessary for Communion. This ministry is open to both men and women.

The sacristan’s duties, in part, consist of being caretaker of the sacred vessels, vestments and preparation of the ritual books. Training is provided for those interested in this ministry.


Lectors are called as reader, to proclaim the readings from scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. They also announce the intentions for the general intercessions and may read the responsorial Psalm between readings.

Eucharistic Adoration 

Adoration of the Holy Eucharist is available after the Tuesday 8:30am mass for one hour. The church is open to all for Adoration. If you have an interest to help facilitate a 12 or 24 hour adoration ministry, please contact the office.

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