St. Aloysius Catholic Church
Worship Ministries

Our Worship Ministries help support the Eucharistic celebration from singing in the choir, altar serving or greeting and ushering parishioners.

If you would like to become a part of the Worship Ministries, please contact us here and indicate which one you would like to participate in. If you do not see a category for your choice of ministry, please send a message in the comment box.

Altar Servers

Children after their First Holy Communion can participate after training by Father to serve on the Altar. Young people serve the community through assisting in the liturgical life of the parish during weekday, weekend, funeral and Holy Day Masses. After Mass they distribute the bulletin.

Usher / Greeter

The Greeter is a friendly face welcoming parishioners and visitors as they enter the church. They assist in seating people in church and provide extra seating for overflow attendance. They help parishioners with special needs and ring the bells at appropriate times.  They also assist with the collection. 

Cantor / Choir / Music Accompanist

If you love to sing, come join the choir.  This ministry is used as an instrument to bring the congregation and all the church closer to Christ. If you are talented in playing musical instruments, piano, flute, etc. Please join us.

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